After clearing NTS Test all the candidates are wondering that what will happen next? After NTS Test Result what to do Next steps after Passing NTS Test? Here we will provide you the entire information and procedure after the passing the NTS test. Candidates should know that NTS National Testing Service has the authority to conducts jobs tests, announces results. After results announcement it declares the interview schedule and selected candidates list for the interview. Those candidate who will selected for the interview after passing interview seek for the merit list. Almost all the government and non government departments get services of the NTS to select the right candidate for the right post. Candidates who get the roll no slip they will be eligible for the test and can appear in the exam. After the examination NTS announces result.
After NTS Test Result what to do Next steps after Passing NTS Test 2025
Candidates who want to get NTS test they should fulfill the requirements. Candidates will appear in the test after meeting the criteria. Those candidates who couldn’t complete the requirements will not be allow to appear in the test. After taking test NTS announces results. Applicants will go for the next step who clear the NTS test. Here we provide the whole procedure step by step from the beginning to after clearing the test.
- NTS announces the jobs for different departments and releases application form with requirement and eligiblity criteria. All the candidates who fulfill the criteria will be able to apply for the Test.
- Those candidates are eligible for the test will get roll no slip which is issued by the NTS.
- Applicants having Roll no Slip appear in the exams conducted by the NTS.
- After conduction of examination it prepare the results. After the preparation NTS declares the results.
- Candidates who will pass the results should wait for the result card. NTS will send the test result card at your home address.
- Candidates after receiving result card seek for the selected candidates list for the interview.
- Those candidates who will be selected for the interview they should download NTS application form and deposit slip for the interview. NTS uploads Application form and deposit slip for the interview.
- All the candidates submit application form after filling it along paid deposit slip and all the documents which are mentioned below to the headquarter of NTS.
- Attested copies of all the degrees and certificates, attested copy of domicile, CNIC, a photograph with blue background and attested copy of NTS result card.